Dear visitors,
Please enjoy our fly fishing and rod building sites !
Daniel and Yvonne Hoda
2. European Bamboo Rodmakers Gathering
2009, the 2nd European Bamboo Rodmakers Gathering was held in Sarnen,
Switzerland. Impressions on this website:
D. Hoda
Salmenweg 5
CH-4323 Wallbach
Tel.: +41 (0) 61 861 10 08
Email: daniel@hoda-bamboo-rods.ch
3. European Bamboo Rodmakers Gathering
The 3rd European Splitcane Rodmakers Gathering was held from 08.-10.10.2010
at the Hotel Haus Hohenstein located in Witten, Germany.
Further information see: Witten 2010
5. Experience the World of Fly Fishing (EWF) 2010
The 5th EWF, 2010, is over now !
See some movies and pictures here: EWF2010
The 6th EWF 2011 will be at the same location in
Fürstenfeldbruck, near Munich.
Brodin Landing Nets, new design for 2011
The nets for 2011 will be manufactured without the
light-colored wood layers. Details of the finest
wooden landing nets see our Shop, or join the
Brodin Homepage.
Bräurup, mountain fishing and a weekend with friends
From 22. till 25. September 2011, a fly casting workshop organized by Peer Doering-Arjes,
Springforelle, will be carried out at the Hotel Bräurup in Austria.
More detailed informations see : Workshops 2011.
Escape to Engadin !
Summertime, and 34°C in our hometown, makes our live very hard. So
we decided to “escape” to the high mountain valley called Engadin.
We booked a short stay at the Hotel Cristallina. 13°C at night gives us
a deep sleep and 27°C during the day makes hiking, swimming,
relaxing and of course fly fishing very pleasant.
6. Experience the World of Fly Fishing (EWF) 2011
The 6th EWF will be executed on the
9th and 10th of April 2011 at the
Abbey of Fürstenfeldbruck, near Munich.
More detailed informations see EWF 2011.
It would be a great pleasure for us
to welcome you there.
4. European Bamboo Rodmakers Gathering
The 4th European Splitcane Rodmakers Gathering will be carried out from
07.-08.05.2011 at Sansepolcro, Tuscany, Italy.
This legendary gathering will be organized by our colleagues from the
Italian Bamboo Rodmakers Association, IBRA.
More detailed informations will follow.